The National Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Hall Of Fame was Co-Founded in 2017 by Megan Stockburger and Adam Davenport as a result of Megan's father, a former Toledo Police Department Officer, asking us at the EBE Hall of Fame why we don't start a Hall of Fame for Law Enforcement Officers.  We looked at each other and said "Why don't we?"  After about a month, we had the name, logo, website and everything else we needed.    

The National Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Hall Of Fame was created to honor Law Enforcement Officers. The purpose is to recognize those officers that have gone above and beyond in one way or another in the line of duty.

Since it’s inception, the National LEO Hall of Fame has inducted 36 Officers from 16 States across the USA.

The National Law Enforcement Officer Hall of Fame is a federally recognized non-profit corporation. All monetary donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws.

To learn more about the Hall of Fame go to their website at www.nationalleohalloffame.com.